We proudly make all data publicly available following its publication
Processed Data access
Processed data for each study is generally available on GEO or Zenodo, or as indicated in each study below. Please contact j.reeves(at)garvan.org.au if clarification is required.
scRNA-seq data is generally available from both CELLxGENE the Broad Institute's Single Cell Portal together with relevant meta data and, in some cases, multi-modal data such as CITE-seq.
Please use GitHub "issues" to raise questions about data files.
Article access here
1. Single-cell RNA-Seq
a. Raw data: EGA.
b. Processed data: From 26 early breast cancers. Data can be explored in a web browser or downloaded for further analysis, without restriction access here or at CellXGene.
2. Bulk RNA-Seq
a. Raw data:
b. Processed data: access here
3. Spatial
a. Images: Down-sampled images on Zenodo, raw images available on request
b. Raw data: On request (only for samples generated in-house)
c. Processed data: Zenodo
Article access here
1. Single-Cell RNA-Seq
a. Raw data: EGA. See section below for details on how to access raw data
b. Processed data: access here
Article access here
1. Single-Cell RNA-Seq:
a. Raw data: EGA.
b. Processed data: From 5 breast cancer cases. Data can be explored in a web browser or downloaded for further analysis, without restriction. Access from CELLxGENE or SCP
Article access here
a. All raw data, intermediary files and resulting analysis files can be accessed here
b. The remaining data were available within the manuscript, supplementary information or source data file. Mm10 (GRCm38.p4) reference genome was used for alignment and can be accessed here. Source data are provided with this paper.
For additional queries regarding data access, please contact John Reeves (j.reeves(at)garvan.org.au)